ComCtl32.dll Versions

Microsoft frequently provides updates to ComCtl32.dll. These updates add new features to the controls found in ComCtl32.dll. At the time of writing, there are four versions of ComCtl32.dll available:

v4.00 - Installed by Windows 95
v4.70 - Installed by Internet Explorer 3
v4.71 - Installed by Internet Explorer 4
v4.72 - A version released after Internet Explorer 4 (which for the first time is now redistributable).

Version-specific features

The CCRP High Performance Timer Objects library will function without regard to what version of the common controls you have installed, since it uses system multimedia timer services and does not use any features of ComCtl32.dll.

Obtaining the ComCtl32.dll redistributable update

In order to redistribute version 4.72 of ComCtl32.dll, you must download a self-extracting EXE from Microsoft's web site. You must then call the EXE from within your setup program. You may not simply copy ComCtl32.dll in your setup program. CCRP highly recommend that you distribute this update to your clients so that this and other CCRP controls will function fully. The self-extracting EXE can be downloaded from:

The self-extracting EXE is called 40comupd.exe and can be invoked silently from your setup program.